Keynote Speakers

The Digital Transformation in the manufacturing sector - Challenges and Chances for SME


Europe's economy is highly dependent on the innovation potential of medium-sized enterprises in the production sector. With the digital transformation of dominant industries such as automobile production into the direction of mobility service provider, Medium-sized companies in engineering and mechanical engineering have to change their products, services and business models strongly. Where the specific challenges of digital transformation lie in these companies, and how to make their business change successful, should be the subject of the presentation.


Dieter Hertweck works as a full Professor at Herman Hollerith Research Centre, Faculty of Computer Science at Reutlingen University. He holds a PHD in Business Information Systems from Hohenheim University and worked in different Research Institutes like FZI Research Center for Information Technology at the KIT Karlsruhe, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO Stuttgart, and Fujitsu Centre for Managing Information Technology in Organisations at the Australian Graduate School of Management (Sydney). He is head of the service science research group at HHZ and actually involved in various research projects dealing with development methods of digital business models for SME. He was awarded with the KREATEK Innovation Award of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, and leads actually the working group digitalisation of the Trans Danube Strategy of the European Union.

Dieter Hertweck

The Herman Hollerith Center (HHZ), Reutlingen University


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