The 30th Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2019) has inspiring keynote speakers confirmed- prof. Wolf Rauch from University of Graz, prof. Sirje Virkus from Tallinn University and prof. Günter Müller (Emeritus) from University of Freiburg.

Conference will be held at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Croatia, in October 2nd – 4th 2019.

The deadline for paper submission is April 1st 2019. You are kindly invited to join, participate, submit, attend, present, cooperate, contribute and inspire. Submissions, taking into account the conference topic and related to the conference sections are welcome in form of paper, poster, presentation, workshop, round table and professional sessions.

Please find more information about important dates, special emphasis, conference research tracks and procedure on paper submission at the Call for paper presented bellow and on the conference web site.

Please, contact the CECIIS Secretariat with any further question at

Download Call for papers