On the first conference day, Wednesday, October 13th, the panel "Accelerating smart industry and digital transformation" will be held by chair Prof. Neven Vrček, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, starting 13:00 (till 14:30). Besides the moderator, panellists are: Oliver Moravčík from the Slovak University of Technology (Slovak Republic), Dimitris Karagiannis from the University of Vienna (Austria), Slavko Vidović from the Infodom (Croatia) and Henry Muccini from the University of L'Aquila (Italia).
You can follow the panel discussion at this link:
Smart industry is a concept that has been built into development strategies of many states and is perceived as a cornerstone of future economic growth. The idea is based on total redefinition of production business processes, innovative ecosystems and extensive use of state of the art technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, internet of things, etc. Beside obvious desire to boost economic growth, smart industry is also very important in geopolitical terms as a concept of reindustrialization of western economies which lost significant amount of its production capacities and research and development capabilities in the massive process of outsourcing to cheaper labor force countries. Today it is generally accepted that sustainable economic growth has to be tightly related to modern and globally concurrent production capacities i.e. smart industry. This idea was additionally augmented during last COVID crisis, which exposed fragilities of economies that do not have at least moderate production capacities to sustain during crisis in the circumstances of closed borders and slow logistics.
However, it is clear that some countries make significant smart industry development leaps, and that some are struggling to implement their smart industry strategies. This panel seeks answer to see what a country and society can do to enhance development of smart industry. In other words, what interplay of main stakeholders: business entities, scientific community and regulators is necessary to develop smart industry and contribute to general development of modern enterprises?
Dr. h. c., prof.h.c., prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík
Rector at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Prof. Moravčík has been the Vice-Rector for Strategic Projects and Development at STU since 2015 to 2021 when he was entrusted with the function of the STU Rector. Earlier he was Chair of the Academic Senate at STU MTF and the Director of the Advanced Technologies Research Institute at the STU MTF Cambo University Science Park. He has been a member of the STU Scientific Board since 1992, and is also a member of the Scientific Boards of the STU faculties and other universities. Prof. Moravčík is focused on lecturing in the field of automation, applied informatics and economics and control. He has published more than 160 scientific and professional publications and articles at home and abroad in numerous books, journals and conference proceedings.

o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. techn. Dimitris Karagiannis
Head of Research Group Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna
Dimitris Karagiannis is a tenured professor at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna. He was awarded with the “Homos Hellenicus” Prize in 2010, Delphi, Greece and an honorary professorship by the Babes-Bolayi University Cluj-Napoca in Romania in 2011. His field of expertise includes Knowledge Management, Intelligent Systems Conceptual Modelling, Meta-Modelling and Artificial Intelligence. He has published several books and more than 200 reviewed articles in international conferences and journals. Prof. Karagiannis is a member of the IEEE and ACM and project leader of OMILAB, platform for metamodeling.

Prof. Slavko Vidović, PhD
Founder of Infodom
Slavko Vidović is a businessman and a scientist. Part of his working life he also worked in public administration. He initiated the establishment of e-Croatia (1991-1997) and about a hundred informatization projects in the field of state administration, judiciary and public activities. He led the development of the Strategy electronic business of the Republic of Croatia. His current interest is development of Smart systems: Smart City and Smart Industry as well digital transformation of public administration. He taught courses in the field of software engineering, artificial intelligence, business decision making and conditioned communities. INFODOM Group consists of fourteen interconnected companies established in Croatia and abroad which mission is to cooperate in the realization of your vision of development and to be a driver for digital transformation of public administration and economy.

Prof. Henry Muccini, PhD
University of L'Aquila
Proff Muccini is Full Professor in Computer Science at the Information Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) Department, University of L’Aquila, Italy in Computer Science, University of L'Aquila. He is a software architect and engineer and leader of CINI Smart Cities and Communities distributed laboratory and the IoT Living Lab. He is a coordinator of the Global Software Engineering European Master and the Steering Committee of the SERENE Int. Workshop, and a member of the IFIP WG2.10 on Software Architecture. His research interests are software architecture descriptions, architectures for CPS, collaborative Model Driven Engineering, and Group Decision Making in architectural design developing methods. He has published more than 90 scientific publications.