The Opening and Welcome session of the conference will be held on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021, beginning at 09:30 am online, with the presence of conference guests and supporters of this year’s conference.

After the opening and welcome session keynote speeches will be given by distinguished experts and scientists Henry Muccini from Italy (University of L'Aquila, Information Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics Department) on the topic 'Architecting Sustainable Software through Machine Learning: an experience report' and Dunja Mladenić from Slovenia (Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Artificial Intelligence) on the topic 'Artificial Intelligence in/for the Society'.

The program also includes two Panel discussionsAccelerating smart industry and digital transformation’, which will be held on the first day of the conference, on Wednesday, October 13th, 2021, starting at 13:00. Second Panel Discussion ‘Emerging research areas: the vision of journal editors' will be held on the second day of the Conference, on Thursday 14th, starting at 12:00.

Among the parallel events, the presentation of student posters and abstracts will also take place during the conference on the second day of the conference, October 14th at 15:00.

The conference program includes presentation of 43 scientific papers in 9 sections, spread over all three days of the conference, from October 13th – 15th, 2021.

In addition, the conference program includes a Best Paper Award and CECIIS 2022 announcement, at the Conference Closing, on Friday, October, 15th 2021.

Opening and Welcome Session, Keynote speeches and Academic panels will be publicly available via provided Zoom links. Conference sessions will be available to registered participants only via links that will be sent to them by e-mail 24h prior to conference beginning.

CECIIS 2021 Schedule