Call for Papers

32nd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2021

October 13th - 15th 2021, Varaždin, Croatia

The aim of the Conference is to be the interface of researchers involved in the development and application of methods and techniques in the field of information and intelligent systems. 
The Conference program includes invited lectures by eminent international experts, contributed papers, poster sessions, special symposiums, workshops, roundtable discussions, hardware and software presentations and book exhibitions.

Special emphasis - Networked Society

Internet and corresponding networked ecosystems are influencing modern society in recent years in most disruptive way forming new socioeconomic paradigm – networked society. Networked society is much more than technology or simple use of web-based services. It is about the communication of humans, organizations and institutions in a seamless way based on common protocols, standards, vocabularies and semantics. It is the foundation for new business models, education paradigms and social interactions. In each of these domains, it triggers new approaches based on real time interaction and exchange of rich content.

On personal level, networked society paradigm fosters individual empowerment, global outreach and instant communication bringing us closer to our families and friends. It also brings new challenges like privacy protection, media manipulation and fake news. Public sector is opening its data giving rise to new business models and, at the same time, contributing to transparency fostering democracy. Business models have also been changed and we have industry transformations with new market dynamics. Industry 4.0 is just one prominent example of embracing networked technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics.

At the same time, we have to preserve intellectual sharpness and free thinkers capable of influencing direction of society. We also have to protect our planet and its ecosystems which requires interdisciplinary and overarching knowledge, policies and approach. All these aspects and many more should be integrated in comprehensive research efforts. CECIIS 2021 will bring prominent keynote speakers and researchers, who will give their perspective on networked society and its impact on us as humans, social beings, our working environments, our organizational forms and the way we (will) do business.

Research Topics

  • Computer Games
  • Data and Knowledge Bases
  • Digital response to pandemic
  • Digital transformation and corporate culture
  • Education and Learning Analytics
  • ICT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Intelligent Systems
  • Quality in IT
  • Strategic Planning and Decision making
  • Trends in Software Engineering

Paper submission

A camera-ready full paper of up to 8 pages should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and submitted following all the stages of the Paper Submission Process.

Paper submission in Croatian language

Authors who also want to publish the translation of their paper in Croatian, need to upload both the English and Croatian version of the paper (in the same document) for review. English and Croatian versions need to be in parallel columns (side by side). Left column is the paper in English and right column is the paper in Croatian. A camera-ready full paper should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and submitted following all the stages of the Paper Submission Process.

Paper publishing

Compliant submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. Only the papers that are submitted on time, are reviewed positively and for which the registration fee is paid can be presented and published. Papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN and distributed at the Conference.

Selected papers will be invited to be extended and published in the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences and European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning.

Best paper award

One best-presented paper will be awarded.

Best student paper award

One presented paper, where first author is undergraduate or graduate student, will be rewarded.

Conference papers indexing

Conference Proceedings will be sent for indexing in: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), INSPEC, Proquest and WoS.

Important dates

Proposals for conference events and conference tracks

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Submission deadline

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Notification of acceptance

Friday, September 10, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Final papers

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Registration deadline

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Conference day 1

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Conference day 2

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Conference day 3

Friday, October 15, 2021