31st Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems CECIIS 2020
Intelligent Systems - Trends, Future, Society
October 7th - 9th 2020, Varaždin, Croatia
The aim of the Conference is to be the interface of researchers involved in the
development and application of methods and techniques in the field of information and intelligent systems.
Conference program includes invited lectures by eminent international experts, contributed papers, poster
sessions, special symposiums, workshops, roundtable discussions, hardware and software presentations and
book exhibitions.
Special emphasis
The special emphasis of this year Conference is on "Intelligent Systems - Trends, Future, Society".
Although the topic intelligent systems is not new to CECIIS conference, we feel that researchers from all around the world find this topic very important today due to the fact that intelligent systems have become available and embedded across systems, applications and daily life. Intelligent systems are considered to be the change agents in Industry 4.0 that will require new skills from workers and that will enable machines to do some jobs thus making them cheaper and error-prone. As a direct response to Industry 4.0, Education 4.0 was developed in order to create trained, qualified professionals who are ready for a highly globalized and digital-driven world of work. In Education 4.0 intelligent systems are used to predict learner's behavior or to adapt the learning environment to match the learner's needs.
Based on said, it is hard to imagine, nowadays, a system that is not created as intelligent. Therefore, the Program Committee decided that the 31st CECIIS Conference should be specifically dedicated to intelligent systems, exploring their current state, future trends and effects they have on societies. It will be very interesting to hear from our researchers how technologies and methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems are changing education, industries and other areas of business.
We are looking forward to exchanging ideas on how intelligent systems affect the development of information systems, computer applications and consumer products as well as to investigate how societies change under these impacts.
Research Tracks
- Computer Games
- Data and Knowledge Bases
- Education and Learning Analytics
- Emerging trends in ICT
- ICT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Intelligent Information Systems
- Quality of Software and Services
- Software Engineering
- Strategic Planning and Decision making
CECIIS welcomes contributions from researchers related to the Conference aim and one or more Conference topics. Contributions can be submitted to the following sections:

Research Tracks

Student Poster and Presentation Section

Paper submission
A camera-ready full paper of up to 8 pages should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors and submitted following all the stages of the Paper Submission Process.
Paper publishing
Compliant submissions will undergo a double-blind review process. Only the papers that are submitted on time, are reviewed positively and for which the registration fee is paid can be presented and published. Papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN and distributed at he Conference.
Selected papers will be invited to be extended and published in the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences.
Best paper award
One best-presented paper will be awarded.
Conference papers indexing
Conference Proceedings will be sent for indexing in: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), INSPEC and Proquest.