Learning Analytics, AI and Technologies in Education ─ Part I (Room 8)
Perception and Use of GenAI Chatbots in Education by Students at the University of Rijeka
Tablet Math Application for Supporting Independent Simultaneous Interaction of Colocated Users
The relationship between student work and academic success: a case study
Relationship between factors that contribute to student success in the e-learning environment
Chair: Full. Prof. Igor Balaban, Ph.D.
Computer Games (Room 3)
Towards Identifying Social Gamification Techniques Applicable to Groups, Applied to On-Demand Shared Transportation
Towards a Gamification-Enhanced Agent-Based Simulations for the Digital Transformation Process
Understanding engagement patterns of game-based learning for children in CatnClever using learning analytics
Integrating Cognitive Agents into Visual Novels
Public Funding Approaches to Video Game Industry Development in EU Member States
Exploring Hypersexualization in Video Games: A Literature Review of Female Characters
Chair: Full Prof. Markus Schatten, Ph.D.
Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems ─ Part I (Room 10)
Stereo Vision Based 3D Positioning for Real-Time Control Applications
A Lightweight communication protocol for Body Area Networks
Proposal for a weather monitoring system utilizing IoT technologies
Virtual Commissioning of Industrial Robot through Software-in-the-Loop Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems
Chair: Full. Prof. Ivan Magdalenić, Ph.D.
Intelligent Energy (Room 7)
Using of Battery Storage to Match the Supply and Demand of Electricity in Smart Grids
Sustainable Microgrid Networks: Advances and Applications
Chair: Full. Prof. Danijel Topić, Ph.D.
Learning Analytics, AI and Technologies in Education ─ Part I
Perception and Use of GenAI Chatbots in Education by Students at the University of Rijeka
Tablet Math Application for Supporting Independent Simultaneous Interaction of Colocated Users
The relationship between student work and academic success: a case study
Relationship between factors that contribute to student success in the e-learning environment
Chair: Full. Prof. Igor Balaban, Ph.D.
Computer Games (Room 3)
Towards Identifying Social Gamification Techniques Applicable to Groups, Applied to On-Demand Shared Transportationdiv>
Towards a Gamification-Enhanced Agent-Based Simulations for the Digital Transformation Process
Understanding engagement patterns of game-based learning for children in CatnClever using learning analytics
Integrating Cognitive Agents into Visual Novels
Public Funding Approaches to Video Game Industry Development in EU Member States
Exploring Hypersexualization in Video Games: A Literature Review of Female Characters
Chair: Full Prof. Markus Schatten, Ph.D.
Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems ─ Part I
Stereo Vision Based 3D Positioning for Real-Time Control Applications
A Lightweight communication protocol for Body Area Networks
Proposal for a weather monitoring system utilizing IoT technologies
Virtual Commissioning of Industrial Robot through Software-in-the-Loop Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems
Chair: Full. Prof. Ivan Magdalenić, Ph.D.
Intelligent Energy
Using of Battery Storage to Match the Supply and Demand of Electricity in Smart Grids
Sustainable Microgrid Networks: Advances and Applications
Chair: Full. Prof. Danijel Topić, Ph.D.
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