Intelligent Systems

Responsible for this topic:
Full. Prof. Jasminka Dobša, Ph.D., University of Zagreb Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varaždin
Full. Prof. Dunja Mladenić, Ph.D., Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
The Session intends to gather the latest research in development of methods and tools for construction of intelligent systems and their application in diverse domains such as health, education, economy, environment protection, etc.

An interdisciplinary approach is particularly welcome. The wide circle of researchers including computer scientists, information scientists, cognitive scientists, and engineers are invited to publish their original contributions that demonstrate theoretical and practical achievements in construction and application of intelligent systems.

Research papers within this topic include:
Expert Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems
Soft Computing
Natural Language Processing and Text Mining
Business Intelligence
Knowledge Representation and Management
Data Science Methods, Tools and Platforms
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Internet of Things
Social Networks Analysis
Human-Computer Interactions
Pattern Recognition
Bioinformatics and Medical Applications
Intelligent Systems in Education