Day 2: Exploring AI, Learning Analytics and Digital Transformation

19 Sep, 2024
At the CECIIS 2024 conference, two insightful keynote speeches kicked off a day full of
engaging discussions and workshops.

The first keynote was delivered by Full Prof. Hanni Muukkonen, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Oulu, Finland. She presented the topic Stakeholder perspectives of learning analytics and AI development and implementation in education, offering a comprehensive look at how different stakeholders perceive the development and application of learning analytics and AI in the educational sector.

Following her, Full Prof. Bart Rienties, Ph.D. from the Open University UK, held an inspiring talk on Why culture matters in Information and Intelligent Systems. He explored how cultural factors influence the design and implementation of intelligent systems, emphasizing the importance of contextual understanding in the digital age.

The day continued with parallel sessions covering topics such as learning analytics, AI in education, intelligent systems, cyber-physical systems and digital transformation. Workshops focusing on AI applications, smart home technologies, digital skills development, and trustworthy AI algorithms are also being held throughout the day.

Attendees are looking forward to an afternoon excursion to Varaždinske Toplice, alongside various interactive workshops and exhibition running throughout the day.

CECIIS 2024_day two