Day 3: CECIIS 2024 Concludes with Best Paper Award and announcement of 2025 theme and date

20 Sep, 2024
The third day of the CECIIS 2024 conference wrapped up with a series of insightful workshops and discussions, but the highlight was the closing ceremony during which the Best Paper Award was announced.

The paper titled "How can ChatGPT help humans in Dark Web content classification? Assessing GPT models reliability and effects of explanations on human decisions."  by coauthors Víctor-Pablo Prado-Sánchez, Adrián Domínguez-Díaz, Daniel Rodríguez, José-Javier Martínez-Herráiz, and Luis de-Marcos was annouced the best.

The conference also revealed the theme for next year’s CECIIS 2025: "Designing Innovation through Productive Disruptions" which will take place from September 17th to 19th, 2025, at FOI in Varaždin, Croatia.

The day concluded with a celebratory closing cocktail, marking the end of another successful edition of CECIIS, with attendees looking forward to next year’s exciting topics!


CECIIS 2024_day three